Gascure Churna


Gas Cure Churna is a blend of ayurvedic herbs that helps in the treatment of gastric disorders. It is a wonderful combination of natural herbs that help to give relief from gastrointestinal problems. It helps in the digestion of food. It gives quick relief from acidity and heartburn. It is a very good herbal remedy for colic pain, flatulence and heaviness of abdomen. Severe stomach gas problem causes uneasiness and discomfort. It stimulates the functioning of gastric organs and prevents constipation and diarrhea.

Benefits of Gas Cure Churna:
– It is a wonderful herbal remedy for the digestion of food and it helps to relieve acidity and heartburn.
– It promotes complete digestion of food and gives relief from gastrointestinal problems.
– It helps to increase the appetite and promotes healing of gastric ulcers.
– It is a very good remedy for constipation and diarrhea.